The reverse wisdom thinking
I think the resulting inconvenience to us who live today and the confusion is and. manners propriety is the same.
Which has continued for hundreds of years, no matter how important manners to ignore reality, even if unreasonable force tradition that also is a matter only.
Unbroken history of mankind, humanity, leads coming courtesy of the fundamental and is the least conscience.
However, the devaluation of its value yesterday as the manners and values ??of the people's consciousness is unlikely I am going.
Etiquette is the need to be shared with the vast Starting from. Is necessary to switch the point of recognition.
Beyond the manners to deceive the world with many brilliant hypocrisy in it all can not be excluded, but the implications should be aware of it.
Such as milk fresh thinking and new wisdom in manners know at least the basics of a healthy social life has to be.
I think this book is a wise look at the world through a new perspective, presenting neglected during the hectic life that comes back to basic etiquette reminder right man, that you want to pray for a healthy society, the author's seven years in between the wandering life was born in.